Bastian Widmer - /now

What is /now?

This is my /now page. It's a temporary snapshot of what I'm currently focused on in my life. It's a way to keep myself accountable and to share what I'm up to with others.

Last updated on 2024-04-10 from the coziness of my warm blanket while writing this on my laptop.


Thinking a lot about the current state of the internet. Not in a technological sense, but in a social and cultural way. The internet has changed a lot in the past few years, and I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this new, changed landscape. Not everything is bad, but there are a lot of things that are concerning. It's very easy to get caught up in the negativity and the outrage that seems to be everywhere online. I'm trying to focus on the positive aspects of the internet and to find ways to make it a better place for everyone. I truly think that the small spaces we create online can have a big impact. May it be ideas we share or things we build and document for someone else to see and take some inspiration from. Seeing that a lot of people move back to self-hosting and self-publishing is a good sign. Heck, I have a blogroll again and I love that fact.


Currently, i am thinking about building a few things.

  • I'd love to build a small geodesic dome
  • Want to do more electronics projects connected to solar power
  • Working a bit on my 3d Printing and Making Skills

Going to meet people

I really like the small chaos community gatherings, so my plan is to attend the following ones when my schedule allows

That's it for now - you can find me on Mastodon if you want to chat.

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