Bastian Widmer

Bastian Widmerhe/they — er/-

A technologist contributing to open source software.

Technology and open source software interested person, doing things on and with the internet. Breaking production and yelling at the cloud together with the great humans at Moving bits and racking servers at (AS57118) and Community IX.

  • /now

    This is my now page, where I share what I'm currently up to

  • Interessenbindung / Affiliations

    Zwecks transparenz — offenlegung meiner Vereins-, Gewerkschafts- und Genossenschafts-Mitgliedschaften

  • Abstimmungen

    Punktuell verzichte ich auf das Wahlgeheimnis und veröffentliche meine Meinung zu den Abstimmungen

  • Meet me?

    My calendar is mostly open - If you want to talk tech or business that's the way to go

  • Project - 20Ah Solar Battery

    Portable 20Ah Solar Rig for keeping my low-power devices charged

✍️Written words on the blog

Now and then. I sit down and still write into my blog. Posts have always been published at a very unsteady pace. Also, I tend to switch between German and English between posts - Everything is a simultaneity